Consulting and Management

Keeping your trains on track requires many moving parts — and we’re here to help you determine the right tools for the right job, the equipment to use in the field, a budget that makes sense for your company’s bottom line, and a timeline to keep your teams moving efficiently.
Drawing from all areas of expertise, our team will review all existing programs, including safe work practices, safety management systems, switching and service plans, operating plans, assignment scheduling, and asset utilization.
Flagging Services
We employ certified protecting foremen to coordinate with train operators and construction crews on site during ongoing projects to ensure safe passage at all times.
Project Management and Budgets
Our extensive knowledge of the essential steps of every type of railroad services project allows us to efficiently navigate construction or maintenance of any kind. We offer project management and annual and multi-year budgeting for both maintenance and capital programs.
Safety and Training
Our team has extensive understanding of the regulations and requirements on Industrial, Short Line, and Class One Railways. This knowledge allows us to develop specialized training programs in safety and operating procedures specifically tailored to the individual requirements of each client.